I am doing this blog mainly for myself to keep track of my Gluten Free Journey but I hope it can help in any way, anyone out there...
For 3 years, I was in pain every time I ate...anything...from a simple snack, light lunch or hearty dinner. I went to my PCP and after trying things as taking laxatives, doing strange exercises after I ate and getting more blood taken I can image, I was sent to a GI...
I spent some time going to the GI and trying new medicines, exercises and even a colonoscopy, they seemed to be at a loss...
The sent me to Boston to a GI specialist and was diagnosed with IBS. After spending time in OT and continuing more strange exercises and breathing techniques, I ended back at the PCP...
The constipation and pains were just as bad. I was getting sick taking laxatives daily. I went thru more blood work, Ultrasounds and CAT scans and they found a small cyst on my ovary so on to another doctor, my Gynecologist.
After hearing my symptoms, he performed a Laposcopy and removed the small cyst and found a lot of endometreosis. He was able to burn off some but it was extensive and close to major organs so I was given a shot, Lupron. This has helped the constipation and some of the pain but the food pains after eating were still there...
They checked my blood again and all levels (regarding the Lupron shot) were just as they should so back to the PCP I went...
I have been doing a lot of research on my own trying to figure out why after I eat anything within half hour I am in pain...and now getting diarrhea at times. I told them I wanted to be checked for Celiac Disease. It was the only thing that all the symptoms I was having kept going back too...the pain after eating, sores in my mouth after eating, fatigue, stinky gas (gross I know)....
I was again met with a different doctor in the office and gave him the run down...He finally agreed to test for CD (as well as a few other things)
A few days later, I got the call...all my blood work came back normal...the CD was borderline so to start a Gluten Free diet. I was thrilled (not to change my whole eating life but for the answer that I had been waiting for for 3 years)
My first full day of G Free was tough...I won't lie...I didn't have many things in the house "allowed" on this diet. I missed my usual granola bar for breakfast...I opted for a hard boiled egg...for lunch, some cheese and nacho chips (was psyched to see Gluten Free on the label) and for dinner, hamburgers (bun excluded...not quite the same with out the bun, but I did it)
Sunday, we headed to the grocery store...It was easy to add lots of fruits and veggies into the cart...boy, was I overwhelmed and a bit afraid after that...
I spent the whole hour in the "natural food" section and looking at the tiny half aisle of GFree food...I really couldn't do it...Where does one start? I grabbed some "granola" bars, Pirates Booty popcorn and pasta and headed out of that aisle...
I quickly went to the next aisle and found some chinese noodles with GFREE marked clearly on them and was excited to see GFREE on the corn tortillas (i love tacos!) I then headed to cereal and grabbed some Corn Chex with GFREE in big letters on the front...
So that is it...unless it was marked clearly, I didn't stop and investigate...I knew some of what I can't eat but the big long words and hidden glutens are not part of my vocabulary as of yet!
This is my journey...
I never liked cooking...but now have to to survive, to eat, to literally live
I never gave much thought to food...after doing WW for almost 3 years, I am now "banned" from those whole wheat, natural type foods
I look forward to sneaking GFree meals on the table for my husband and 2 boys!! Breaking out the bread machine and cooking from "scratch"!!
SO what exactly is Celiac Disease and a Gluten Free Diet?
*Celiac Disease (CD) is a lifelong inherited autoimmune condition affecting children and adults. When people with CD eat foods that contain gluten, it creates an immune-mediated toxic reaction that causes damage to the small intestine and does not allow food to be properly absorbed. Even small amounts of gluten in foods can affect those with CD and cause health problems. Damage can occur to the small bowel even when there are no symptoms present.
*Gluten is the common name for the proteins in specific grains that are harmful to persons with celiac disease. These proteins are found in ALL forms of wheat (including durum, semolina, spelt, kamut, einkorn and faro) and related grains rye, barley and triticale and MUST be eliminated.
*Taken from Celiac.org
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